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Measure the impact of weather on energy production and distribution networks.
Solucion Energia Weathermap Site

Manage volatility in renewable energy production

The impact of the weather on renewable energy production cannot be avoided, but it can be foreseen. Prepare your installed farm in advance and optimise production even in the most adverse scenarios, thanks to the measurement of the variables with the greatest impact on energy generation.
Velocidad Viento Weathermap Site Meteorologia

Wind velocity

Radiacion Directa Difusa Weathermap Site

Direct and diffuse radiation

Insolacion Weathermap Site


Polvo Suspension Weathermap Site

Dust in suspension

Heladas Weathermap Site Energia


Plan with reliable data

Find the optimal site for your facility

Anticipate pollution episodes in your area of activity up to 10 days in advance

A good choice of location for a renewable energy investment, where a favourable impact of the weather is achieved through quality analysis, can make the difference between operating continuously at high capacity and other less efficient scenarios.
Datos Fiables Energia Weathermap Site


Efficiency of solar panels in high temperature locations


Efficiency variability of wind turbines depending on wind speed

Alcanza la mejor operatividad posible

Contar con información meteorológica precisa no solo es útil para la planificación de nuevas instalaciones, ya que los pronósticos en tiempo real y a corto plazo son decisivos para sacar el máximo partido a los activos en funcionamiento.

Descubre la mejor orientación y ángulo de inclinación en tus plantas termosolares o fotovoltaicas en función de la incidencia de los rayos solares, o conoce la probabilidad de que se desconecten los aerogeneradores ante episodios intensos de viento o heladas. Te ofrecemos todos los datos que se ajustan mejor a todas las necesidades en la gestión de tu red.

Climatologia Zona Weathermap Site Meteorologia

Climatology of the area

Factores Meteorologicos Energia Weathermap Site

Meteorological factors

Mercado Energetico Weathermap Site

Energy market

Start taking control of your environment

Try the Weather Map demo and reduce your response time to weather hazards