Insurance companies
Accurately assess the impact of the weather on your clients’ insured property.
Measures the frequency and severity of weather-related losses
Climate change has accelerated the recurrence and scale of extreme events, generating great uncertainty in the insurance sector due to the large amount of property exposed to damage caused by this type of event.
Extreme temperatures
Torrential rains
Hail episodes
Strong winds
Identify extreme patterns
Rate the vulnerability of insured assets
Improve your risk estimates and reduce uncertainty in loss ratio calculations.
Get detailed weather forecasts with which you can analyse the return periods of extreme events. In this way, you can optimise the quantification of the ideal price of premiums and deductibles for insurance contracts.
Insured property is exposed to weather risks
297M €
Annual cost of insured damage in Spain due to weather conditions
Gestiona mejor el riesgo, sea cual sea tu sector
Seguros de vida, de hogar, de automóvil, agropecuarios… La meteorología condiciona todas las ramas del sector asegurador. Monitoriza el efecto de más de 100 variables meteorológicas sobre los bienes con cobertura de tu seguro.
Con Weather Map puedes recomendar a tus asegurados medidas preventivas para reducir el impacto negativo de la meteorología, desde decisiones a largo plazo para el sector agrario con nuestros pronósticos estacionales; hasta acciones inmediatas para proteger viviendas o vehículos ante el riesgo inminente de inundaciones, gracias a la flexibilidad de nuestra solución.
Return periods
Seasonal forecasts
Short and medium-term forecasts
Start taking control of your environment
Try the Weather Map demo and reduce your response time to weather hazards